InterText server - technical details
Technical details on file formats:
- the system expects use of (at most) two-part numbered id-attributes for all alignable elements, the separator can be any of : , . - _ characters; their parent elements can be numbered by single numbers; prefixes to the id-attributes are possible, but they will be stripped on import (can be regenerated on export as "long-ids" by the corresponding function in settings.php
- the default (re-)numbering scheme is to have plain numbers for containers (parents) and two-part numbers for alignable elements, separated by a colon (e.g. "12:3" for the third sentence (element) in the 12th paragraph (container))
- if nested containers are detected in the document, only plain (one place) numbering of the alignable elements is applied and their parents (containers) are ignored (this feature was not tested properly)
- the file format for TEI alignment file is one single "linkGrp" element with two attributes: "toDoc" and "fromDoc"; their values should point to the filenames of the separate documents, or at least have the form: "document_name.version_name.extensions" - extensions are optional, but "document_name" and "version_name" are used to identify the aligned document versions of this alignment according to the names as declared in InterText; the "linkGrp" elements then contains "link" elements, each corresponding to one position (segment) in the alignment, with the following attributes:
- "xtargets" is a semicolon separated list of element's id-values linked together (first a space-separated list of element id-s from the "toDoc" document, and after the semicolon a space-separated list of element id-s from the "fromDoc" document);
- "status" is an optional attribute of the status of the link - known values are "man" (for manually confirmed link), "auto" (for automatically aligned elements), "plain" (for unaligned / unconfirmed / uknown status);
- "mark" is used internally to preserve user bookmarks from the editor, only values 0 and 1 are known, but for 0 no attribute is generated at all
- "type" is only generated on export for convenience, it gives a dash separated count of elements linked together by the link (e.g. "1-2")
- the package does not contain the Hunalign nor the TCA2 automatic aligners
- DOCTYPE, entity definitions and the XML declaration element are not imported (preserved) from the XML file (a problem of the PHP XMLReader module); the only preserved node types are: elements with their attributes (see below for exception!), text and CDATA contents, comments, processing instructions and whitespace formatting (CDATA not tested); you can (as a workaround) add your own DOCTYPE on export or otherwise modify the exported XML header by modification of the corresponding function in settings.php
- the "id" attributes of elements are parsed and only final numbers are extracted: two placed numbers for alignable elements (e.g. "12:3") and single numbers for the other elements; the alignable elements and their parents (containers) get renumbered when the document structure is changed in the editor; in the two-level numbering mode, any other elements will just lose their id-attributes (i.e. will be cut down to any final numbers like the containers, if there were any); long id-attributes (and other id-s) can be (as a workaround) restored/re-created on export by the corresponding function defined in settings.php; by configuring InterText to use the single-level numbering of elements exclusively, the IDs of elements (except of the alignable ones) can be kept, however
- current versions of "hunalign" are known to fail (segmentation fault) with texts larger than ca. 30000 elements (this is not a problem of InterText)
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